蘇益存 Su Yi Cun─仔蝦育成粉40g
蘇益存 Su Yi Cun─仔蝦育成粉40g
嚴選動物&植物性優質蛋白   育成率提升25% 火山礦土益生菌 & 有機野生褐藻  & 食品級螺旋藻  &  魚粉胜肽 幫助完整攝取營養 提高存活率和育成率 強化腸道健康˙快速成長 適合仔蝦和抱蛋母蝦食用
NT$ 400
迅益纖Xun Yi Xian / 25g
迅益纖Xun Yi Xian / 25g
精選國家品質認證的植物性蛋白製作纯植物性配方。 具有快速聚集蝦隻的功能,益於飼養者觀察。 適合在換水或水質動盪不穩期間仍可餵食的配方飼料。 Carefully selected, nationally certified plant-based proteins for crafting a vegan formula. Exhibiting rapid aggregation capabilities, facilitating enhanced observation and appreciation for breeders. Formulated feed ideal for feeding during water changes or periods of unstable water quality.
NT$ 200
迅益壯Xun Yi Zhuang / 20g
迅益壯Xun Yi Zhuang / 20g
精選國家品質認證食品級螺旋藻,具有豐富的藻藍素。 透過藻類天然的β-胡蘿蔔素及添加蝦紅素提升蝦隻體色增豔的效果。 透過微生物醱酵液的氣味增添蝦隻誘食性與與適口性。 Carefully selected, nationally certified spirulina, renowned for its abundant phycocyanin content. Enhanced vibrancy with naturally occurring beta-carotene from algae, coupled with astaxanthin for intensified coloration. Naturally enticing and palatable shrimp feed, enriched with microbial fermentation extracts to enhance appetite and palatability. Carefully selected, nationally certified spirulina, renowned for its abundant phycocyanin content. Enhanced vibrancy with naturally occurring beta-carotene from algae, coupled with astaxanthin for intensified coloration. Naturally enticing and palatable shrimp feed, enriched with microbial fermentation extracts to enhance appetite and palatability.
NT$ 240
蘇益纖 Su Yi Xian / 25g
蘇益纖 Su Yi Xian / 25g
Probiotic formula extracted from distinctive volcanic mineral soils found in the United States. Thoughtfully chosen SNQ brown algae, abundant in minerals, trace elements, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids. Selective use of food-grade fermented powder rich in 5000Fu/g natto. Creation of amino acid-rich fermentation liquid via honey fermentation with probiotic symbiotic microbial communities.
NT$ 200
蘇益壯 Su Yi Zhuang / 20g
蘇益壯 Su Yi Zhuang / 20g
Probiotics from special volcanic mineral soil in the United States Choice SNQ food-grade spirulina rich in phycocyanin Featured Ireland Blue Cod honored with marine stewardship council, MSC fisheries Amino acid-rich soluble from functional microbiome fermenting molasses
NT$ 240
益硝化 Yi Xiao Hua ─水族硝化菌 60ml
益硝化 Yi Xiao Hua ─水族硝化菌 60ml
簡單1步驟,為水族生物快速建立 健康成長的優質微生態環境 〈淡水觀賞蝦和魚類均適用〉
NT$ 220
益硝化 Yi Xiao Hua ─水族硝化菌 500ml
益硝化 Yi Xiao Hua ─水族硝化菌 500ml
簡單1步驟,為水族生物快速建立 健康成長的優質微生態環境 〈淡水觀賞蝦和魚類均適用〉
NT$ 480
迅益存 Xun Yi Cun ─水晶蝦仔蝦育成粉 40g
迅益存 Xun Yi Cun ─水晶蝦仔蝦育成粉 40g
嚴選乳酸菌醱酵有機米糠 精選國家品質認證食品級螺旋藻具有豐富藻藍素 提升仔蝦育成率 母蝦抱卵的營養補充品
NT$ 400